Hi There ! Here you can see some of my work.

This page shows my latest Projects. You can always contact me if any question arises.

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About Me ! 

My name is Rolando Sotelo Alarcon, I'm a Telematics Engineer, Software Developer and Boardgames aficionado from Mexico. I just finished my Bsc and I'm currently working on projects for my Portfolio. I can't wait to start my career. Nowdays, what I feel more passionate about is Software Development, Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity. When I'm not developing and building things, you can find me learning new technologies on blogs and books, working on my own boardgame, or reading sci-fi novels.

My Most Recent Projects: 

These make for my most recent projects that I'd like to highlight. Click on the info button to see more details or scroll down to see all of them.

Map-Me Selatko

MERN full-stack | RESTful API | Mapbox SDK

A Web Application for listing and storing the places you have traveled to, so you can share them with other users.

La Milpa Card Game

React App | Recoil | Tailwindcss

La Milpa Card Game is a 2 player game that consists of 16 rounds in
which Crops from a 50 card deck will be planted at 2 Milpa boards. The
player with more Cacao at the end of the 16th round will win.

A More Detail Explanation of them: 

Map-Me Selatko

created by  ROLANDO SOTELONOV, 2020

Map-Me Selatko is a Web Application for logging visits in a map and sharing them with  friends. It implements a RESTful API with CRUDL and auth functionalities. The MERN stack was the chosen development framework.

The main features are as follows: Sign up: Users can register by creating a new account using an email address. User list: Any visitor can see a list of all registered users. Authentication: Registered users can sign-in and sign-out. Protected user profile: Only registered users can view individual user details and maps after signing in. Authorized user edit and delete: Only a registered and authenticated user can edit or remove their own user account details. Map entries (Visits): Only a registered and authenticated user can create, edit or remove their own map entries.


Some of the mentioned user CRUDL operations, including user details and map entries, have protected access, which required the requesting client to be authenticated, authorized, or both. I used  JSON Web Token (JWT) mechanism to implement these authentication features. JWT is a stateless authentication mechanism that does not require storing user state on the server side.

Landing page for Map-Me Selatko

Material-ui was the framework used for faster and simpler GUI implementation and react-map-gl was the selected suite for making the use of Mapbox GL JS in React easy.

La Milpa Card Game

created by  ROLANDO SOTELONOV, 2020

where to find it

Technologies & TOOLS used

Techniques implemented

La Milpa Card Game is a 2 player game that consists of 16 rounds in
which Crops from a 50 card deck will be planted at 2 Milpa boards. The
player with more Cacao at the end of the 16th round will win.

Recoil was used for state management and Tailwindcss for streamlining styling.

Original Idea

The idea of La Milpa comes from my love for board games and plants,
and I found this to be a great opportunity for displaying the vast
knowledge and heritage coming from Mesoamerican people regarding
agriculture. La Milpa was the preferred way of agriculture between
Mesoamerican people and it consisted in simultaneously growing various
types of crops in the same land (usually corn, pumpkin, chilli, beans,
tomatillo and tomato), all of which had a good and complementary
relationship between them, for example beans helped corn not only making
the soil absorb more nitrogen but also they will make for complete
proteins when consumed together.

La Milpa is intended to be a Full Stack Application with online
multiplayer features, but in this first project only the Frontend has
been implemented and only local multiplayer is supported.

Pixel Art

I also used this project to display my love for pixel art, a skill that I
enjoy a lot enhancing every time that I see fit. Marmoset Hexels 3 was
used for pixel art.

La Milpa Card Game Logo

A next project containing a Http server and a Socketio server, will allow for multiplayer functionality.